これ、せつめいしてね カタカナを使わずに説明するゲーム

by SmartApp.inc



【how to play】A katakana theme will appear, so lets explain the theme without using katakana.In the one-person mode, you can actually enter within the specified number of characters, and if you can answer a difficult subject that anyone can understand, lets publish it and brag about it.In everyone mode, you can play with 3 to 8 people. Parents are specified in order, and parents explain the given subject without using katakana. Other than the parents, the subject is guessed and answered, and if the correct answer is given, points are given to the person who answered correctly with the parent. In this way, we will answer more and more, and the person with the highest points will win. In this app, you will present the theme, operate the points, and finally check the points.